Proof of testing in accordance with Appendix B (dynamic driving test) and YOUR ONE 12642 Code XL (Stability of the vehicle bodies)
DEKRA certificate renewed for our proven curtainsider body. Tested with different loads and
Load securing (u.a. without slats with reinforced tarpaulin, Reversible slats and restraint systems).
This guarantees the safe transport of goods.
In the driving test, the accelerations that occur in normal road traffic during traffic-related driving maneuvers were simulated,
The following accelerations must be achieved three times on each side with each load and load securing:
Braking delay 0,8 x g
Lateral acceleration in the lateral direction 0,5 x g
Lane change test in both lateral directions 0,5 x g
Acceleration in backward direction 0,5 x g
The certificate obtained in the dynamic driving test serves as proof of legal controls.
We would like to thank DEKRA Automobil Bielefeld for the professional implementation, Warsteiner and Oettinger drinks for loan
full goods provided, Edeka for the roll containers and the shipping company Heland for transport and logistics.
Wallenfels, June 2021